12 Step House of Recovery

At Men’s Tribal House, we strongly believe in the 12 Steps and Traditions of AA.
We believe it is an inspired program that has helped more people get sober than any other way. We stand by what works, therefore: “we turn our life and our will over to the care of God as we understand Him”.

We provide the FELLOWSHIP inside the house by providing you with 30 brothers that love and accept you day 1. We have your back. We stay clean,
you can stay clean, there is POWER in unity, community, and fellowship.

We welcome any denomination, faith, or belief. We invite any pastors, priests, shamans, yogis, or other spiritual teacher. In this particular picture it happens to be the sister missionaries from the LDS church.
Honestly striving to live the 12 steps can go help establish a patter of clean living (physically, emotionally, and spiritually).
We build supportive relationships that can last a lifetime.
There are 2 parts to AA – The Steps & The Fellowship… you work your Steps…and we will provide the Fellowship!

Sunday night house meeting. Forging brotherhood, staying sober!

Regular house meetings keep the house healthy as we learn each brothers needs and offer individualized support.

We would be happy to host any variety of meetings at our house including NA,AA,SA,CA, Please contact us to use our space for free.