All You Need Is Love

Our First Brother- Stuart

Stuart created this amazing Charcol drawing of the house. Stuart was the Tribes first member. Stuart believed in the Tribe, and came to believe in himself. Stuart went from living in his van, to the position of house manager. Now Stuart has moved on to pursue his dream of being a famous photographer. He saved up for state of the art equipment, and is now freelancing as a professional photographer and videographer.

See some of Stuarts work.

Stuart in Yellow on far Right

Love Thy Neighbor, as Thyself
There is only one Master. We seek to love the way that He loves. We seek His will each and every day as we maintain our sobriety and strive to live the principles of AA.

Our First Brother- Stuart

Stuart created this amazing Charcol drawing of the house. Stuart was the Tribes first member. Stuart believed in the Tribe, and came to believe in himself. Stuart went from living in his van, to the position of house manager. Now Stuart has moved on to pursue his dream of being a famous photographer. He saved up for state of the art equipment, and is now freelancing as a professional photographer and videographer.

See some of Stuarts work.

It is a rare gift to escape the hostility & pride of the world for a time. You will have the spiritual space and support to rebuild your relationship with God.

Seek first the kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you. We take the word BROTHER VERY SERIOUSLY

A brotherhood event. We filled hand written notebooks with our past regrets, pains, and resentments, we trust our mentor and brother Rick who had us burn them atop this massive fire! VERY LIBERATING!

We rebuild natural bonds of community and brotherhood that have existed among our ancestors for thousands of years. Only recently has the world attempted to isolate and scatter men. Men have always formed Tribes for survival, for protection, and for progress. We tap into our ancestral DNA when we unite our will and our lives with other men. We form a Tribe for the betterment of our posterity and to break negative generational patterning.

We Minister One To Another at Men’s Tribal House